Our ultimate goal is to develop ways to connect gogetters™ with like-minded [individuals, teams, businesses, etc].
This is not about acquiring a large web of connections and contacts (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc). This is about building an asset that documents You; an asset you can use when you find people, teams or opportunities you want to connect with.
Your gogetter™ Profile will only be seen by the people you choose. Over time your gogetter™ Profile will become an official record of your soft skills training and accomplishments — which will set you apart from everyone else!
If social media is about speaking to a group, the largest group you can attract — then self-media is about speaking directly to individuals, one at a time.
If social media is about bragging, showing the best moments in your life carefully edited, even crafted — then self-media is about creating a place for your real life, the person you are when no one is watching …the part of you [people that really matter] want to get to know most!
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