What’s a gogetter™?

A gogetter™ is someone who’s focused, driven and accountable.

If Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter are social media … we are striving to be more “self-media”

Social media is about where we fit in the outside world.  Self-media is about where we fit within ourselves.

Social media is about who and how many we connect with … self-media is about our place inside our head; it’s about how we treat responsibilities when no one is watching, it’s about how we treat people when it’s just the two of us, it’s how we feel about ourselves [when we’re all alone].

Social media is about creating a party, with everyone together in a random kaleidoscope of ideas — producing a Jackson Pollock painting.

Self-media is about creating tools for individuals to come together, organized toward a single idea — producing a blueprint.

It is our belief that the self side is the most important for building relationships that last long term; for building teams that last long term; for building businesses that last long term; for building communities that last long term.

My father used the phrases, “they’re aimless” versus “they’re a gogetter™”  …  we believed that we recognized each intuitively, because we never really defined those terms.   Our desire is to thoroughly define them here.  Then create training and tools to help people understand and navigate this [inside us] terrain as we move through our life.

…for what it’s worth, we belief that all of us are both [aimless & gogetter™] at different times and places in our life.


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